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If a tree falls in a forest and it doesn't make a sound, can I build a company on the deforestation of silent trees? Nic's art practice tries to hear silenced sounds with an exploration the politics of meaning and social sculpture. Zir art practice has entwined its way through various disciplines: dance, poetry, photography, sculpture, film, and music. Mirroring the three ecologies (mind, social, and environmental), Nic's sonic works have a background in piano performance, trans-voice, and experimental jazz.

Art is the universal tool we have to weave social fabric. Western systems of governance is continuing to attempt to devalue the human and the art because they alone have the power to shift our social conciseness. 

 "We have it in our power to begin the world over again" Thomas Payne

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Rorschach: Concerto for Live Graphic Composition
Nelle Anderson

Rorschach: Concerto for Live Graphic Composition

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